Polar Bears

AIM conversation | Sunday September 09 2004

[20:05] Brian: p
[20:05] Brian: a
[20:05] Brian: u
[20:05] Brian: l
[20:05] Brian: paul
[20:05] Paul: one second
[20:05] Paul: I'm helping a friend with his homework
[20:06] Brian: you should definatly deficate on it while he's not looking and then blame it on a roaming pack of while polar bears, send on a mission by their all-powerful diety "El Capitan" a
[20:07] Brian: Pireate-God with the intelect of a squirl and the physical characistics of a platapus
[20:08] Brian: Who's sacrad quest it is to seek warmer cllimates, bringing their cursed artifact, a robust assortment of hardware bolts, with them. Which just so happens to attract large hurricanes to it's location
[20:08] Brian: But along the way, it is necissary at times to relave them self. And accourding to ancient polar bear tradition, all defication must take place on 8 1/2" x 11" college ruled paper.
[20:10] Brian: So bearing (no pun intended) this in mind, they instinctually seek out collage campuses on their long journey, knowing that there will be pleanty of 8 1/2" x 11" college ruled paper avaible for defication purposes.
[20:10] Brian: This is why your friend should really consider it an honor to have recieved such a thing.