
AIM conversation | 18 August 2004

[18:39] Arthur: you know vs should do
[18:40] Arthur: automatically insert a semicolon once i hit enter on a line
[18:41] Paul: or they could rewrite VB to pay attention to line breaks rather than semicolons; seeing as how the reason for semicolons is to allow multiple-line commands
[18:41] Arthur: thats not for vb
[18:41] Arthur: its for c#
[18:41] Paul: VS not VB
[18:42] Arthur: i cant complain though
[18:42] Paul: VBScript didn't use semicolons if I remember correctly, you had to use an underscore at the end of the line if you wanted a multi-line command
[18:42] Arthur: statement completion on this new version of vs is amazing
[18:43] Paul: besides which, needing something to automatically type semicolons for you is just extremely lazy and you'd be screwed over if you ever went back to an editor that didn't automatically add semicolons, as you don't want a semicolon after every line
[18:43] Arthur: fuck your shit
[18:43] Arthur: i am extremely lazy
[18:44] Paul: Sort of like auto case correction: it's good programming practice to be able to have consistency in the
capitalization when naming variables, functions, objects, etc.
[18:44] Paul: It is bad programming practice to make two variables the same name but different case, but it is legal, so editors should allow for that
[18:45] Paul: And I'm not a coprolagniac, so I don't think that fecal intercourse is necessary.
[18:45] Paul: Anyway, when are you coming up?
[18:45] Arthur: il leave about seven
[18:45] Paul: ok
[18:45] Arthur: is that cool?
[18:45] Paul: fine
[18:46] Paul: Did you install SP2?
[18:47] Arthur: i just did a whole line of code where the only things i had to type were periods
[18:47] Arthur: how rediculous is that
[18:48] Paul: Lazy bastard, code like a real man
[18:48] Paul: Let the testosterone flow through your fingers
[18:48] Paul: as you impose your will on the keyboard
[18:48] Paul: and make the letters on the screen dance to your whims
[18:48] Arthur: thats freaky
[18:48] Arthur: paul
[18:48] Paul: I need to somehow make a haiku out of that
[18:49] Arthur: you sounded like lakatos
[18:49] Arthur: or the freaks who sit in our cpu lab at school who dont bathe
[18:49] Paul: Well, I do bathe, and I have no need to sit in our school's computer lab
[18:49] Paul: but I do sound like them, so I guess I'm 1 for 3
[18:50] Arthur: the point isnt whether you do the things that they do
[18:50] Arthur: its just the group of people who you fit in with
[18:51] Paul: Perhaps
[18:51] Paul: I think this conversation may need to go into my quotes page
[18:52] Paul: You can tell I'm tired because I'm spewing electronic crap on the screen
[18:52] Paul: Pray to the Great Sandwichmaker that I don't try to talk to more than one person at once
[18:52] Arthur: lol
[18:53] Paul: Anyway, I must continue my quest to not be like the people that hang out in your computer lab, and I will do so by going to take a shower.
[18:54] Arthur: have fun