Studio Lab

AIM conversation | Thursday January 01 2004

Paul: And instead they spend their time partying in our sexy studio lab.
Paul: Well, probably not.
Brian: yah, I'm thinking no
Paul: Mainly because it's no food or drink allowed
Brian: and no one is "sexy"
Paul: Otherwise, they'd be all over it
Paul: Like peanut butter on Sarah Schnitzel, Seductress of the Shop
Brian: yah
Brian: the origianl sexy party
Paul: And I didn't say they were sexy
Paul: I said the lab was sexy
Brian: oh
Brian: ok, your weird, how is a lab sexy
Paul: You saw those pictures
Brian: I don't find it sexy
Paul: Those pictures are like porn to an electrical or computer engineer
Brian: it's kinda cool
Brian: ok, more then I needed to konw
Paul: and using the equipment is like freaky, freaky sex
Brian: ok, that's quite enough
Paul: OK
* Paul slowly takes hands out of pants after doing ESys homework
Paul: Ok, really, I'm done now
Brian: oh god
Brian: that'
Brian: that's the worst thing I've ever heard