RHIT Homecoming 2008 - Around the Haute

Around the Haute

After spending a bit of time on campus, Fred and I went around Terre Haute for a little while.

Fred at Coffee Grounds in downtown Terre Haute

Paul at Coffee Grounds

After spending a bit of time there, it was finally late enough in the afternoon that we could check into our new hotel.

This room was significantly better than the old one. Nothing was broken, the bathroom fan had a cover over it, the sink wasn't rusty... basically, the way a hotel room ought to be.

From 17:00 to 19:30, the young alumni party was being held at a banquet center up in downtown Terre Haute, so we met up with Matt and headed up there to chat with others for a while. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring the camera, although I'm sure the people I'm with were glad to have a break from me constantly taking pictures.

Fred and Matt left straight for campus after the party, as there would be a pep rally before the bonfire, and they'd be playing in the band. I went back to my hotel room to retrieve my camera.

After getting my internet fix at the hotel, I drove back up to campus for the pep rally and bonfire.

Outside Cook Stadium before the pep rally started

The pep rally. The fire is coming from the trunk of a constructed elephant.

The elephant, unlit. The fire could be turned on and off arbitrarily, like a flamethrower.

After that, it was time for the bonfire!