
Wolf-Men in Kalimdor

29 October 2008

Daari and I had come to the Exodar - it had been a while since we'd been home, and we both had managed to earn enough money to buy ourselves each an elekk. It was obvious why Daari wanted one, and even I had to admit that it would be nice to travel faster without having to run myself.

As it was, though, the Exodar actually felt a little less like home now that I'd been gone so long. Obviously, I spent some time with my dad, and he was as glad to see me as I was to see him, but as I told him about all the things I'd gone and seen and done, I realized that I already missed doing them. I could always come back here, but my home was out in the world now. I bid my father goodbye again — there were watery eyes on both sides, but we both knew I had to leave.

I met up with Daari again, who was her usual chipper self; I don't know who all she visited over the couple days we'd spent here, as I'd pretty much let her go off and do her own thing so I could spend time with my father. She suggested that while we were on the western continent, Kalimdor, we ought to stop by Ashenvale, where she'd heard a job might be available for us.

I was eager to get back to Duskwood, but I had to admit that her logic made sense; we could make a small stop here to help some people out, and I'd never seen Ashenvale before. So the two of us took the shuttle boat to Auberdine, and from there, took the road south.

The new-to-us elekk made the journey much quicker, and we quickly made our way down the road, past Astranaar, and to the elven camp of Forest Song.

When we got there, we were informed that a vale to the northwest had been overtaken by humanoid wolves — this immediately brought to mind the beings we saw in Duskwood, though it didn't seem too likely that these were the same kinds of things when we were so far away from where we first saw them.

Well, however unlikely it was, that turned out to be the case — these were the same things that had hurt me before. Admittedly, they were somewhat smaller than the ones in Duskwood, and we had a bit easier time handling them. Daari and I cleared the area a bit and came upon a tome, which mentioned something about an elven priestess, and something called the Scythe of Elune.

We cleared a few more of the wolf-men, and reported back to Forest Song, telling them about the tome. For some reason, this really perked the sentinel's interest, and she informed us that we might be able to get more information in Darnassus, so to Darnassus we headed.