World of Warcraft

I have three significant current characters in World of Warcraft, and one retired character.

Retired Characters

My original main in classic WoW was a tauren hunter by the name of Ebulratrat on the Blackhand server. At the time, he was my only level 60 character, and I raided with him through Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, and parts of Ahn'Qiraj and Naxxramas. I eventually got burnt out on what I thought was the game, and cancelled my account in October 2006, giving the account to a friend.

Current Characters

I realized a few months later that it wasn't WoW itself that I had been burnt out on, but rather endgame raiding guild drama and politics. In December of 2006, I wanted to start playing again. As my friend was still using Ebulratrat, though, I decided to simply start a new account, and Fishsticks was born. Fishsticks is a level 80 orc restoration shaman on Baelgun (US/PvE) in the guild Rose Thorns.

In late 2007, another friend suggested I start a character on Feathermoon, an RP server. I started Calsh, a gnome protection warrior, on that server, expecting him to be like every other alt a friend asked me to create on their server to play with them — that is, I didn't expect that I'd get past level 10 with him before losing interest. Instead, I found that I loved playing him, and he rocketed to level 70 in a relatively short time. He is now level 80 and a member of The Boomstick Gang, a roleplaying guild on Feathermoon (US/RP). Calsh has his own website.

My only other significant character is Kriysia, an 80 draenei hunter who is also on Feathermoon (US/RP). She also has her own website.