
Calsh Trinketrun
Calsh Trinketrun

Calsh Trinketrun (born Calsh Pushsprocket) is an early-middle-aged male gnome. His build isn't particularly remarkable for one of his race, although he does seem to move with remarkable precision. His eyebrows and moustache betray the gray hair color that his bald head would normally keep secret. He doesn't consider himself to be especially intelligent — as far as he's concerned, he simply knows enough to get by — but in reality, he's actually reasonably bright.

He tends to be naturally cautious; although he's certainly willing to take risks if the situation warrants it, he likes to have enough information to be able to figure out what he's getting into before he makes a big decision. The opinions of those he trusts are a huge influence on this, however; if someone he's close to asks him to do something, he's very likely to help out with little fuss even if there is considerable danger involved.

His formal training is that of a warrior. His natural aptitude with weapon use combined with his training have proved useful in his primary occupation: most of his income comes from performing deliveries to distant or dangerous locations for a fee. In all honesty, he isn't one to start a fight, but he will defend himself and anything entrusted to him fiercely; unfortunately, the best-paying jobs tend to also be the ones where fighting is the most likely to occur.

Calsh is also able to earn some money on the side through his professions of mining and jewelcrafting. In addition, he is an avid fisherman; he can easily spend hours with nothing but a fishing pole to keep him entertained. He loves to spend time on the coast and at sea.

His permanent home is a houseboat currently docked in Stormwind, which he shares with his wife (Tricksy), children (Serenade, Tia, and Haven), and his sister (Heacha).



Bixen and Nimi Pushsprocket
Bixen and Nimi Pushsprocket

Calsh's father and mother, Bixen and Nimi Pushsprocket, weren't particularly skilled in any advanced professions. They made their living as general goods merchants, running a shop in Gnomeregan. Although the family never went hungry, they never had much money left over either.

Bixen had a very likable personality, which helped him immensely with keeping customers returning to his shop. From him, Calsh learned a great deal about diplomacy, tact, and business dealings. His mother Nimi, for the most part, was pleasant enough; however, she did not respond well to stress, often becoming reclusive when she was troubled.

His parents had always preferred him to be himself and focus only on skills that at which he was already proficient. To them, learning for the sake of learning was impractical, and trying to learn something one wasn't naturally good at was a waste of time. As such, he was never encouraged to practice anything in which he didn't show immediate aptitude.

Bixen and Nimi were living in Gnomeregan during its invasion and subsequent fall; neither made it out alive.


Heacha and Rissh Pushsprocket
Heacha and Rissh Pushsprocket

Calsh's only known surviving relative is his younger sister, Heacha. His younger brother, Rissh, recently passed away. Heacha and Rissh were twins.

Just as they were beginning to get to the age that they would get to start to be able to accompany their older brother around their home city of Gnomeregan without the direct supervision of their parents, both Rissh and Heacha fell very ill, and Heacha skated extremely close to death. They both eventually overcame the illness, but neither fully recovered, leaving them very weak for life. Neither Heacha nor Rissh had any significant physical endurance, and performing the simplest of tasks for the shortest amount of time was enough to wear either of them out; Heacha was stronger than her twin brother in this regard, but not much.

As they grew into adults, although they were both able to physically support themselves, neither of them could work for a long enough time to be able to provide for themselves financially. Thus, they continued to live at home with their parents, relying on their parents' shop and Calsh's delivery business to pay for what they needed.

They were still living with their parents in Gnomeregan when it fell, and both somehow made it out without their mother and father, although they refuse to talk about what happened. They lived for a time in Calsh's house in Menethil Harbor, making meager money performing what little crafting they can, but mostly relying on Calsh for support.

When Rissh died, Calsh moved Heacha to Stormwind, where she rented a room from Corise for a while. After Calsh bought his houseboat, he provided a room for Heacha, and she now splits her time between these two residences.

Heacha is very book-smart; she spends the majority of her free time reading the books that Calsh supplies to her. However, confined to her frail body, she isn't able to get much actual experience with anything she reads, and as such, she has a very academic view of the world that doesn't always quite match with reality. She is proud of her intelligence and tends to use complicated words when simpler ones would be more appropriate.

She realizes the burden that she places on Calsh, and at the same time, she is well aware that the burden is unavoidable and that Calsh accepts it willingly. Still, she feels very guilty for needing to rely on Calsh so much, and will always help him out to the best of her limited abilities whenever necessary.

Heacha is extremely calm and level-headed. She will never make a decision without putting a lot of thought into it first, and it takes something very significant to get her riled up. As such, if she ever gets emotional about anything, her brother (and anybody else who knows her) will pay very close attention to what she has to say.

Heacha absolutely loves to hear Calsh's stories of his travels, no matter how mediocre; it's almost as if she's adventuring vicariously through him, as she isn't strong enough for significant travel of her own. She very much looks up to her older brother.

Likewise, Calsh is fiercely loyal to his little sister; he loves nothing or nobody more in the world.

Recently, Heacha has become quite enamored with Netwi, and acquaintance of Calsh and the mother of two of Calsh's younger friends.


Calsh's early life was fairly quiet and simple. As soon as he was old enough to do so, he began to help out around his parents' shop, but soon discovered that his favorite task was picking up stock from other locations. He enjoyed traveling, even if his travels were short trips around the city of Gnomeregan. As he got a little older, he was allowed to travel a little further to pick up supplies; he was always eager for a trip to nearby Ironforge.

He quickly realized that he could make a little money on the side acting as a courier for people other than his parents; as he was walking all around the city anyway, it was trivial for him to take along extra cargo for some coin. His parents encouraged this, as it earned them a bit of extra income.

A few years before his siblings would have been old enough to be able to start accompanying him, the two of them fell ill. Fortunately, Calsh and his parents were unaffected; unfortunately, both Heacha and Rissh barely survived, and even after they recovered, they were both left very weak and in no condition to be following Calsh around the city. Calsh was devastated; his younger siblings were effectively his closest friends. Still, at their encouragement, he quickly went back to performing deliveries, focusing on doing the best job he could to support his parents and now mostly bedridden siblings.

Perhaps a year later, on one delivery to Clorky Quickslice, proprietor of a Gnomeregan weaponry shop, Clorky jokingly allowed the kid to try out a sword under close supervision. Expecting the child to haphazardly wave it around, he was surprised when Calsh seemed to have a natural affinity for the weapon; he spent the rest of the afternoon giving Calsh some tips on using it. Calsh found himself with a new friend, and began to alter his delivery route to swing by the blade shop more often for more lessons.

Calsh's parents eventually found out, but after a talk with Clorky and a quick demonstration by Calsh, they were impressed. Despite their financial situation, they managed to scrape together enough money to get Calsh formal training with weapons and armor, realizing that it might be a chance for him to make something of himself. Calsh protested because he knew his family couldn't really afford it, but he soon begrudgingly accepted the lessons under the condition that he'd work even harder to pay his parents back.

As he passed into adulthood, Calsh began putting his love of travel and his skill with weapons together, and started accepting more and more dangerous deliveries as the years passed. These would take him away from his family for weeks or months at a time, but he was able to make more money than the family had known before, and his homebound siblings were always enthralled with the stories of his travels.

His travels began taking him back and forth across the Great Sea, and he frequently found himself spending time in port towns waiting on ships. With nothing better to do to pass the time while he waited, he bought a pole and tried his hand at fishing. It was love at first catch; the idyllic passage of time that this new hobby brought him stood in stark contrast to the danger his deliveries usually exposed him to, and he found that he could spend hours upon hours on the coast, repeatedly casting his line. As he got better, he began to catch himself planning his delivery routes so that he got to spend more time near a coast.

His delivery business continued, and while it did not make him wealthy, he had more money than his family had ever known during his childhood. His upbringing did not leave him predisposed to spend it frivolously, and he ended up sharing much of his income with his siblings and parents in Gnomeregan.

One delivery in particular stood out among the many Calsh had performed. He'd been hired to take a large shipment of jewelry on a trip that would take several months; due to the size and value of the load, a dwarf by the name of Balkrin (who, like Calsh, was in the business of deliveries for hire) was contracted along with him. As both had expected with such a load, they were eventually ambushed by thieves; what they had not expected was how organized the attackers were. Both managed to survive the attack with the load still firmly in their possession, non-life-threatening injuries, and their attackers disposed of; however, both Calsh and Balkrin realized that without the other's help, neither would still be alive. The delivery was ultimately successful, and with his family's blessing, Calsh changed his last name from Pushsprocket to Trinketrun in honor of his accomplishment. Calsh and Balkrin became particularly good friends, running routes together (or at least meeting up for a drink together) whenever feasible.

Unfortunately for Calsh, Balkrin also ended up being the bearer of extremely bad news. Calsh had been on a delivery in Gadgetzan when he heard about the fall of Gnomeregan. He didn't believe it at first — he figured the goblins had been trying to get a laugh at his expense — but after receiving confirmation from his friend Balkrin, he rushed back to Ironforge to find out if his family was among the surviving refugees.

Calsh was ultimately able to locate his sister Heacha and brother Rissh. However, he learned that although they'd miraculously escaped in spite of their frailty, his perfectly healthy parents hadn't made it out. The three of them made the decision to leave Dun Morogh altogether; Calsh bought a house in Menethil Harbor for the three of them to share.

After his brother and sister had recovered from the journey to Menethil, Calsh set out for deliveries again. He was worried at first — his siblings had never been alone for extended periods of time — and his first few journeys were extremely short. However, he soon discovered that while they weren't able to support themselves financially, they were perfectly capable of living on their own if he provided them money, and he made it his goal to earn as much as he could for them.

After Rissh's death, Calsh moved Heacha to Stormwind, and moved in permanently himself once he became engaged to Tricksy. The two of them got married, and Tricksy gave birth to triplets on their wedding night.